Stones of Fate Contest

Stones of Fate Contest Graphic

Two of my brothers, Jeff and Nathan Cornelius, started a company called Cosmic Wombat Games. They publish tabletop games. They said their mission is to increase the amount of fun in the world. Right now they are working on a game called Stones of Fate. It’s a card game with beautiful artwork and simple play. If I can play it, anyone can. Just ask my brothers — I don’t normally like games, but I played this one and have been thinking about what strategy I am going to use when I play it next. So if it can keep me interested, it will keep anyone interested. It will definitely not be too boring or hard for you!

They plan to raise money to publish the game on Kickstarter. They will be launching their Kickstarter campaign later this month and as a sort of preview they are partnering with All Us Geeks to give away two signed prototype copies of Stones of Fate as well as one grand prize which will be a signed prototype copy of Stones of Fate, one 4-day badge to Gen Con 2014, and one deluxe mahogany box.

So head on over to All Us Geeks and enter the contest. It will close February 17. After you enter the contest there’s lots to do until the Kickstarter campaign opens February 20. You can check out the Kickstarter page and give the designers feedback on it. Then you can head over to Board Game Geeks to read posts from Jeff Cornelius about it and leave him more feedback. After that, you can watch a teaser video. Finally you can visit Cosmic Wombat Games site or Facebook page. Let the company and designers know what you think about the game! And don’t forget to enter the contest. I hope you win something!